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Intervention 03: Surveillance Facade

Existing 'L-shaped' site

The site lies at the North East corner of the Lace Market, one of the most inactive parts of the area and is in the shades of surrounding tall warehouses most of the day. Two routes that lead to the 'L-shaped' site are often faced by back sides of old warehouses, making the environment seemingly less approachable, which may have over time created a perception that the area is somewhat unsafe. This is typified by a series of graffiti on walls and some security wires installed to some of the buildings - it is fair to say that this site has become a neglected quarter of the Lace Market. 

The main objective is to transform the site into a better perceived place and to improve the level of active surveillance around the area. This will be achieved by triggering more people to come use these routes and also re-familialize the L-shaped site as one of the often used thoroughfare within the area. 

Intervention 03: Surveillance Facade

A new 'yash-mak' facade inserted into a corner that joins the two routes in will improve the level of active surveillance around the area as the architecture piece becomes an urban sculpture that draws more attention. It will become a visual reference point and a more popular threshold into the Lace Market. Over time, the site will grow its presence within the cognitive map of Nottingham users.

Structural model of the proposed facade
New Architectural Elements on Site:
1. 'Yash-Mak' surveillance facade
