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Intervention 02: Belvedere Park

Intervention 02: Belvedere park

Two private car parks sat at the top of a cliff frontage to the souther boundary of Lace Market. Between the site and the cliff facade runs a public footpath surrounded by brick retaining walls. Into one of the walls are blocked up openings which used to connect the site with open air - the setting was crying out for re-instating their presence and reveal a 'viewing' experience from height towards the industrial quarter of Nottingham.

Belvedere park poking above a public walkway

A new 'belvedere' urban park inserted between the car parks would originate journey will standout in the landscape as a peculiar object poking into the air, originating journeys within the surrounding areas and start revealing significant local characteristics that are authentic to the city. 

View from the park

A meditative experience of observing an urban view from the top of the cliff will provide an unique activity in Lace Market that would over time become familiar to the city users. With a small playground in place, children inhabiting the space will subconsciously memorise this unusual experience of playing on a platform surrounded by tall warehouses but totally opening outwards to the landscape beyond the cliff. 

Exploded architectural elements

New Architectural Elements on Site:
1. Belvedere park structure
2. Kindergarden
3. Entrance kiosk
