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The Listening Project, BBC Radio 4/RIBA Competition Proposal

2013年4月、BBC Radio 4とRIBAによる共同主催の建築コンペに応募した案です。
BBC Radio 4が企画する「The Listening Project」の為に使用する、「Listening Pod」のデザインが募集されました。

「The Listening Project」とは、BBC Radio 4が全国ネットで放送しているシリーズもので、一般人の様々な会話を録音/アーカイブし、ブロードキャストして行くプロジェクトです。
移動可能な「Listening Pod」は、ショッピングモール、図書館、駅、フェスティバルを始め、英国各地の公衆施設に顔を出し、人々の「声/会話」を記録していくツールとなります。


This is another collaborative work with my friends - a BBC Radio 4/RIBA competition entry for the design of a portable 'listening pod' that records/archives conversations by public participants of this ongoing broadcasting project.
Our proposed idea of a 'converted milk float' would travel all over UK and enable recordings to take place in various public places and venues. 

The following images and text are extracted from our submission panels:

The Milk Float
It became clear to us that the listening pod should be able to travel itself. 
We wanted to use a vehicle whose own identity would contribute to the identity of the listening pod. 
The humble, domestic milk float, with its everyday aesthetic and quiet electric power,  fitted perfectly. 
In the listening project the normal lives of  everyday people and their conversations are the star of the show and we wanted this concept reflected in our pod design. 

The Bigger Thing
We are showing how extraordinary an everyday object can be and by listening closely to meaningful conversations we can also see how extraordinary our lives are. 
The experience of having a 'Listening Project' conversation creates a strange paradox between the ownership of an intimate conversation that is simultaneously very public property.
It was therefore obvious to us that the listening pod has two distinct states of being:
1. when travelling
2. when in use

The pod is much more than a room to record a conversation; people can access and interact with all sides of the listening pod from near and far.